Leidenfrost Effect | What is it?

Did you know that you can touch a molten metal with your hand using the Leidenfrost effect? 

Leidenfrost Effect

What is the Leidenfrost effect?

The Leidenfrost effect is a physical phenomenon when a liquid touches a surface whose temperature above the boiling point of the liquid. Instead of rapid boiling, the liquid is insulated by its own vapor layer that prevents the liquid from boiling quickly. A consequence of this vapor layer is that the liquid will float above the surface rather than physically touching it, showing a curious "dancing" or "skating" effect. 

It gets its name from German physician Johann Gottlob Leidenfrost, who explained it in his book titled "De Aquae Communis Nonnullis Qualitatibus Tractatus" in 1756. This effect relates to very important applications and implications concerning heat transfer, thermodynamics, and fluid dynamics.

Mechanism of Leidenfrost effect

At the moment when a liquid comes in contact with a very hot surface, some amount of the liquid which is in direct contact vaporizes almost instantaneously. This sudden vaporization creates a thin layer of vapor between the liquid and the surface.

This acts as an insulating layer that hinders the rest of the liquid from making contact with the hot surface, as it creates a vapor layer between the liquid and the hot surface. Therefore, the heat transfer rate from the surface to the liquid is reduced to prevent boiling instantly.

It is supported by the vapor pressure from the evaporating liquid and levitates above the surface. In general, with very low friction, liquid droplets move around on top of the vapor layer, which often is seen skittering across the surface.

Leidenfrost effect temperature

The Leidenfrost effect normally occurs at temperatures that are far above the boiling point of a liquid. Water, for instance, has a boiling point of 100°C, while the Leidenfrost effect can be clearly perceived at temperatures of 200°C and higher.

Leidenfrost effect examples

The Leidenfrost effect has a variety of daily life examples, such as:

1. Water Droplets on a Hot Pan - While cooking in your kitchen, when you flick a few drops of water onto a hot skillet, those droplets often will skitter around without evaporating if it is sufficiently hot. This everyday kitchen phenomenon is a common occurrence in which the pan's temperature is above the Leidenfrost point of water.

2. Liquid Nitrogen on Surfaces - When liquid nitrogen is poured onto a surface at room temperature, the droplets spread very fast on the surface, due to the Leidenfrost effect, and create mist as the nitrogen evaporates.

There is an educational demonstration involves dipping a wet finger into molten metal. The rapid vaporization of the water forms a protective layer of steam, preventing the metal from causing burns. This demonstration showcases the Leidenfrost effect in a visually striking manner.

And thus, you can wet your hand with water and then quickly pass it over hot molten metal without feeling anything or hurting your skin, but it is still dangerous do not try it.

The Leidenfrost effect also can be observed in industrial applications, such as:

1. Cooling Systems in Nuclear ReactorsThe Leidenfrost effect is a factor that has to be taken into consideration when designing emergency cooling systems for nuclear reactors. A working knowledge of the Leidenfrost effect actually enables engineers to use this phenomenon and facilitate effective cooling at very high temperatures.

2. Metal Casting Tools exploiting this Leidenfrost phenomenon are able to handle molten metals in metal foundries. For example, a thin layer of water on a mold could create a vapor barrier, allowing molten metal to flow without attaching itself to the mold surface.

Leidenfrost effect applications

Leidenfrost effect find a wide range of applications, including heat treatment processes, chemical reactors, electronic cooling, cryogenics, and plasma coatings. 

Heat Treatment ProcessesThe Leidenfrost effect is utilized in heat treatment processes. During quenching, when generally metals are rapidly cooled to alter their microstructure and improve their hardness, the Leidenfrost effect might prevent nonuniform cooling. If the temperature of quenching is controlled just above the Leidenfrost point, a uniform vapor layer will form around the metal, allowing even cooling with reduced danger of thermal stresses and cracks.

Chemical Reactors - The effect is also put into work in chemical reactors. That means a high-temperature reactor will use the Leidenfrost effect to maintain a constant vapor layer, which increases efficiency in heat exchange processes. This is very useful for those reactions, which involve temperature control in order to optimize reaction rates and yield.

Electronic Cooling - In the field of electronics, the Leidenfrost effect has been used in cooling high-performance components. Scientists have developed cooling systems where the liquid coolant creates a stable vapor layer above the electronic components. This method provides efficient heat dissipation, which is crucial in maintaining both the performance and longevity of advanced electronics like CPUs and GPUs.

Cryogenics The Leidenfrost effect finds applications in cryogenics, which require extremely low temperatures. The effect can create a stable insulating layer for cryogenic liquids when they contact a warm surface. This counteracts the maximum reduction in the heat transfer and helps improve the efficiency of cryogenic systems, including superconducting technologies and space exploration.

Plasma CoatingsLeidenfrost effect can be achieved through applying superhydrophilic plasma coatings, which decrease friction, therefore increasing efficiency in heat engines and cooling systems.
