Line-X Coating

A remarkable coating renowned for its exceptional resilience, capable of withstanding even explosions. However, its versatility goes beyond expectations, as it has the transformative power to turn your home's deck into a vibrant oasis. While Line-X has gained fame for its association with truck bed protection, its applications extend far beyond the confines of the automotive world.

Line-X Coating

What is Line-X coating?

Line-X coating is a spray-on protective layer made from a special blend of polyurea and polyurethane that's known for its incredible durability, abrasion resistance, and waterproofing capabilities. It's a versatile product used in various applications, from truck bed liners to industrial equipment and even residential areas around your home.

It’s like a flexible plastic coating, but spray applied, has a rapid curing time. Line-X can be sprayed at any desired thickness, from 1mm to 10 mm and more.

The application of Line-X involves a professional using specialized equipment to spray the coating onto surfaces. Proper surface preparation is crucial to ensure adhesion and the formation of a durable protective layer.

What is Line-X made of?

Line-X is mainly made from a combination of polyurea and polyurethane polymers in the presence of isocyanate component, resin blend, and some additives. Polyurea and polyurethane are mixed on-site before application, creating a chemical bond that contributes to the coating's strength and resilience.


Polyurea is a type of elastomer formed through the reaction of an isocyanate component and a resin blend containing amine groups. It is known for its rapid curing time, high flexibility, and excellent resistance to abrasion, impact, and chemicals.


Polyurethane is another polymer commonly used in protective coatings. It is formed through the reaction of an isocyanate with a polyol. Polyurethane provides additional toughness and durability to the coating, enhancing its overall protective qualities.

Isocyanate Component:

Isocyanates are compounds that contain the isocyanate functional group (-NCO). They play a crucial role in the chemical reaction that forms the polyurea and polyurethane polymers. The choice of isocyanate can influence the properties of the final Line-X coating.

Resin Blend:

The resin blend in Line-X coatings contains amine groups, which react with the isocyanate component to form the polyurea. The specific composition of the resin blend can contribute to the coating's adhesion, flexibility, and chemical resistance.


Various additives may be included in the Line-X formulation to achieve specific performance characteristics. These additives can enhance UV resistance, color stability, texture, and other desired properties. The exact additives various from one manufacturer to another and it specific to each manufacturer.

It's important to note that Line-X is typically applied on-site, where the two main components (polyurea and polyurethane) are mixed together just before application. This on-site mixing ensures a chemical reaction between the components, creating a durable and customized protective coating.

The combination of polyurea and polyurethane in Line-X coatings results in a tough, impact-resistant surface that is well-suited for applications where protection against abrasion, impacts, chemicals, and UV exposure is crucial.

Note that:
  • The specific formulation and composition of Line-X coatings may vary slightly, as there can be proprietary variations between different manufacturers.

Line-X properties

Line-X exhibits one of the highest tensile strength’s, incredible durability and toughness, super high tear strength’s, and exceptional abrasion resistance than most other spray-on coatings.

Its incredible durability and toughness providing robust protection against abrasion, impacts, and other forms of mechanical stress. It can withstand years of abuse from harsh environments, heavy loads, and everyday wear and tear. 

Its high tensile strength and tear resistance make it doesn't crack, chip, or break easily.

Line-X coatings offer resistance to a variety of chemicals, making them suitable for applications where exposure to corrosive substances is a concern.

The formulation of Line-X includes components that resist damage from ultraviolet (UV) radiation, ensuring long-term stability and color retention even with exposure to sunlight.

Line-X can withstand a range of temperatures, making it suitable for use in different climates and environments.

It has an excellent waterproofing, forms a seamless barrier, effectively sealing out water and preventing damage from moisture, rust, and corrosion. It is Ideal for protecting surfaces exposed to rain, snow, or other water sources.

Note that:

  • To illustrate the durability of this material, if you coat an egg with Line-X, you can then use this egg to knock a nail instead of a hammer!

Types of Line-X coatings

There are many types of Line-X coatings include traditional Line-X, Line-X ultra, and PAXCON.

Traditional Line-X: 
The original formula, known for its extreme durability and abrasion resistance.

A thinner, smoother version with exceptional durability while offering a more refined look.

A high-performance blast-resistant coating used in military and security applications.

Line-X coatings applications

Line-X coatings find a wide range of applications such as truck bed liners, automotive accessories, industrial equipment, military and defense, marine applications, pipeline protection, and industrial flooring.

Truck Bed Liners:

After the bed liners are manufactured, it is sprayed with Line-X. It act as a protective coating for truck beds, providing resistance against abrasion, impacts, weathering, and offering superior protection for truck beds compared to traditional liners.

Automotive Accessories:

Line-X is used to coat various automotive accessories, such as bumpers, fenders, and grille guards, to enhance their durability and resistance to damage.

Industrial Equipment:

Protective coating for industrial equipment and machinery, providing a robust shield against wear, corrosion, and harsh environmental conditions.

Military and Defense:

Line-X is applied to military vehicles and equipment to increase their resilience, protecting them from the rigors of combat and harsh terrains.

Marine Applications:

Used in marine environments to protect boats, docks, and other surfaces from water, salt, and UV exposure.

Pipeline Protection:
Used to coat pipelines, offering protection against corrosion, abrasion, and external environmental factors.

Industrial Flooring:
Line-X coatings are applied to industrial floors to provide a durable, non-slip surface that can withstand heavy foot traffic and equipment.

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