Self-healing materials | Definition, Types, Mechanism, and Applications

Human skin has the ability to heal and repair itself when it gets hurt by a process done by the live cells. Imagine if we have a materials can do this when the material is cracked or damaged, it will repair itself and the crack will disappear without any human intervention!

Self-healing materials

What are Self-Healing materials?

Self-healing materials are advanced and smart materials. It an artificial or synthetically created materials with the unique ability to repair themselves when subjected to damage or mechanical stress and return to its original state. Inspired by biological systems, these materials can autonomously detect and respond to changes in their structure, triggering a healing process to restore their original properties. The self-healing capability is achieved through various mechanisms.

Cracks and other types of damage can induce significant changes in the thermal properties, electrical properties, and other important properties of materials. If left unaddressed, the propagation of these cracks can eventually lead to material failure. Detecting such cracks at an early stage is challenging, and regular manual inspections and interventions are necessary for periodic repairs.

Note that:

  • Self-healing materials respond to and work on micro-damage and micro-cracks. (Before material failure or fatigue).

Types of self-healing materials

Self-healing materials come in various types, each utilizing distinct mechanisms to repair damage. Here are some common types of self-healing materials:

1. Microcapsule-Based Self-Healing Materials

The simplest and best type known of Self-healing materials, particularly those employing built-in microcapsules. These materials contain tiny embedded pockets known as microcapsules, which are filled with a glue-like chemical capable of fixing damage. When the material experiences a crack, the capsules rupture, releasing the repair material, which then seeps into the crack, effectively sealing it. This mechanism is remind us of the process used in epoxy adhesives, where two liquid polymers are mixed together to form a copolymer adhesive.

Self-healing materials can utilize embedded capsules in various ways. The simplest method involves the capsules releasing an adhesive that fills the crack and binds the material together. Alternatively, the material itself may be a solid polymer, with the capsules containing a liquid monomer—the basic repeating unit of the polymer. Upon failure and capsule rupture, the monomer mixes with the polymer, initiating further polymerization, effectively healing the damaged area by replenishing the original material. To enable polymerization at everyday temperatures and pressures, a powdered chemical catalyst is usually embedded within the capsules.

However, one limitation of the encapsulation method is that the capsules must be very small to avoid weakening the material in which they are embedded. This restricts their ability to fix larger damages or cracks. Additionally, the capsules can only heal damage once. If the material fails again, it cannot self-heal a second time, making it more vulnerable after repair.

Despite these challenges, self-healing materials using microcapsules remain a compelling avenue for research and development. Scientists continue to explore ways to optimize the healing capabilities and address these limitations, paving the way for more advanced and resilient self-repairing materials in the future.

2. Vascular Self-Healing Materials

Embedded healing agents are indeed effective but have the drawback of potentially weakening the material due to the interruption of its structure with capsules. The goal is to avoid increasing the risk of failure, which defeats the purpose of self-healing materials. Instead, scientists have turned to the human body's regenerative processes for inspiration.

The human body does not rely on makeshift repair materials waiting inside every part of our skin and bones. Instead, it has a remarkable vascular system—a network of blood vessels that transport blood and oxygen to provide energy and repair damaged tissues. When damage occurs, the blood system delivers extra resources precisely where they are needed, but only when needed.

In the quest for self-healing materials, scientists have been working to replicate this approach. Some materials now feature networks of extremely thin vascular tubes, approximately 100 microns thick (slightly thicker than an average human hair), integrated within them. These tubes act like microvascular systems capable of pumping healing agents, such as adhesives, to the point of failure when necessary. The tubes lead to pressurized reservoirs, functioning like pre-loaded syringes. When a failure occurs, the pressure is released at one end of the tube, causing the healing agent to pump into the damaged area precisely where it is needed.

While this vascular approach can seal cracks up to ten times the size that the microcapsule method can manage, it may work more slowly since the repair material has a greater distance to travel. This could become a concern if a crack is spreading faster than it can be repaired. However, for structures like skyscrapers or bridges, where failures might appear and creep over extended periods (months or years), a well-designed system of built-in repair tubes can be highly effective.

3. Reversible Polymerization Self-Healing Materials

Some polymers possess innate self-healing capabilities without the need for sophisticated internal systems. These polymers have reactive ends or fragments that naturally attempt to rejoin when exposed to energy, either in the form of light or heat. When damaged, these fragments seek nearby molecules to bond with, effectively reversing the damage and repairing the material. In some cases, polymers break to expose electrically charged ends, leading to built-in electrostatic attraction that pulls the broken fragments together for self-repair.

In particular, certain thermoplastics offer promising potential as self-healing materials. Thermoplastics can be melted down, recycled, and molded into new forms, making them amenable to self-healing properties. When these thermoplastics experience damage, they can be designed to break down into their monomers—the repeating molecules from which they are built—when heated. Upon cooling, the original polymer reforms, effectively reversing the damage and restoring the material's strength.

Practically, this self-healing process can be triggered by applying heat to the damaged area. For instance, when thermoplastic materials are cracked or damaged and then subjected to localized heat (e.g., generated from an impact like a bullet), the polymers break down into their monomers and reseal the hole. The material binds together again, restoring its integrity.

This ability to self-heal through heat opens up fascinating possibilities, particularly in applications where heat sources are readily available. For instance, materials with such self-healing properties could be highly beneficial in high-stress environments like fighter jets, where bullet holes could rapidly seal up and disappear, ensuring continued performance and safety.

4. Shape Memory Self-Healing Materials

Shape memory materials are familiar in everyday applications like nitinol-based eyeglasses, which return to their original shape when bent and released. However, their operation is more complex and fascinating than this simple example. Typically, shape memory materials require energy input, usually in the form of heat, to snap back to their preferred shape. When it comes to self-healing shape-memory materials, delivering heat to the damaged area is crucial for their restoration.

One method to achieve this involves embedding a network of fiber-optic cables, similar to vascular networks in other self-healing materials, into the material. Instead of pumping up a polymer or adhesive, these tubes serve as channels to deliver laser light and heat energy precisely to the point of failure. The heat causes the material to revert to its original shape, effectively reversing the damage.

To determine where the laser light needs to be delivered, the fiber-optic tubes are designed to crack along with the material. As a result, when the material itself cracks, the fiber-optic tubes inside it also crack, causing the laser light to leak out directly at the point of failure.

Despite the initial concern that fiber-optic tubes might weaken the material, they can actually strengthen it by transforming it into a fiber-reinforced composite. This is similar to how fiberglass gains strength from embedded fibers, or how reinforced concrete incorporates steel "rebar" rods. The use of fiber-optic tubes enables the material to have improved mechanical properties.

These innovative systems, known as autonomous adaptive structures, have been pioneered by materials engineer Henry Sodano and represent an exciting advancement in the field of self-healing materials. By combining shape memory properties with self-healing capabilities, such materials offer tremendous potential in creating stronger, more resilient, and adaptable structures and products.

5. Stress-Responsive Self-Healing Materials

These materials respond to mechanical stress or external stimuli, triggering a self-healing process when damage occurs. The stress activates the healing mechanism, allowing the material to repair itself.

6. Biological Self-Healing Materials

Inspired by natural biological processes, these materials imitate the regenerative abilities of living organisms. They might use biochemical reactions or mimic biological systems to heal themselves when damaged.

7. Electrostatic Self-Healing Materials

In this type, the material employs electrostatic forces to facilitate healing. When damage occurs, electrostatic interactions help bring the separated surfaces back together, promoting self-repair.

8. Light-Activated Self-Healing Materials

Some self-healing materials can be triggered to repair themselves when exposed to specific wavelengths of light. The light initiates chemical reactions that enable healing.

9. Thermal-Responsive Self-Healing Materials

These materials can repair themselves through changes in temperature. When subjected to heat, they can soften and flow into the damaged areas, subsequently cooling and solidifying to heal the material.

10. PH-Responsive Self-Healing Materials

PH-responsive materials can repair themselves in response to changes in the acidity or alkalinity of their environment. Shifts in pH trigger chemical reactions that lead to healing.

Each type of self-healing material offers unique advantages and is suited to specific applications. As research in this field continues to progress, we can expect further advancements and novel self-healing materials with even broader utility.

How do self-healing materials work?

Self-healing materials often contain tiny capsules or microcapsules dispersed throughout the material. These capsules are filled with a healing agent, such as a resin or adhesive. When the material experiences damage, the capsules rupture, releasing the healing agent, which then flows into the crack or damaged area. The healing agent then solidifies and bonds the separated surfaces, effectively healing the material.

Similar to our blood vessels, some self-healing materials have a network of channels or vascular structures running throughout their structure. When damage occurs, these channels rupture, releasing healing agents stored within them. The healing agents react and bond with the damaged regions, restoring the material's integrity.

Some self-healing materials use reversible chemical reactions to repair damage. When the material is damaged, specific chemical bonds within the material break. However, under the right conditions, these broken bonds can reform, effectively healing the material.

Self-healing materials with shape memory properties can repair themselves through a reversible change in shape. When the material is damaged, it can revert to its original shape under certain conditions, closing the crack or damaged region.

These materials respond to mechanical stress or external stimuli by initiating a self-healing process. When damage occurs, the stress triggers the healing process, enabling the material to repair itself.

The exact mechanisms and efficiency of self-healing materials can vary depending on the specific material composition and the type of damage they are designed to heal. Researchers continue to explore and develop new self-healing strategies to enhance the performance and applicability of these innovative materials across various industries.

Mechanism of self-healing concrete
Mechanism of self-healing concrete

Advantages of Self-Healing Materials

  • Enhanced Durability:
Self-healing materials enhance the overall durability of products, structures, and components by addressing micro-cracks and damage as they occur, preventing further propagation.
  • Reduced Maintenance Costs:
With the ability to repair themselves, these materials reduce the need for frequent maintenance and manual repairs, resulting in significant cost savings over the product's lifecycle.
  • Prolonged Lifespan:
The self-repair capability extends the lifespan of materials, leading to more sustainable and long-lasting products, thereby reducing waste and environmental impact.
  • Safety Improvement: 
Self-healing materials can enhance safety by preventing catastrophic failures in critical applications, ensuring structural integrity and reliability.

Applications of Self-Healing Materials

Self-healing composites are being integrated into aircraft components to mitigate damage caused by fatigue, impacts, and environmental factors, enhancing the safety and reliability of aerospace structures.

Self-healing coatings and polymers are utilized in car paints, windshields, and body panels to protect against scratches, chips, and other surface damages, maintaining the vehicle's appearance and value.

Incorporating self-healing concrete and asphalt in infrastructure projects like bridges and roads can significantly reduce maintenance costs and increase the lifespan of these structures.

Self-healing polymers find applications in electronic devices, protecting circuits from wear and tear and extending the longevity of electronic products.

Self-healing materials hold immense potential in medical applications, where they can enhance the longevity and biocompatibility of implants, reducing the need for frequent replacements.

Self-healing polymers

Self-healing polymers were the first self-healing materials, are a class of materials within the broader category of self-healing materials. These polymers possess the remarkable ability to autonomously repair themselves when damaged. They have become an exciting area of research and development due to their potential applications in various industries.

Self-healing polymers work through different mechanisms, but one of the most common approaches is the use of microcapsules. These microcapsules are filled with a healing agent, such as a monomer or resin. When the polymer is subjected to damage, the microcapsules rupture, releasing the healing agent into the crack or damaged area. The healing agent then polymerizes and bonds with the surrounding polymer chains, effectively repairing the material.

Another approach involves incorporating reversible chemical bonds into the polymer's structure. When the polymer is damaged, these bonds break, but under the right conditions, they can reform, allowing the material to heal itself.

Self-healing polymers have several advantages, including improved material durability, increased product lifespan, reduced maintenance costs, and enhanced safety. These materials find applications in various fields, such as automotive coatings, electronics, medical devices, and aerospace components.

In the automotive industry, self-healing polymer coatings are used to protect the car's surface from scratches and chips, maintaining the vehicle's appearance. In electronics, these polymers can prolong the lifespan of devices by repairing damage caused by wear and tear. In medicine, self-healing polymers are investigated for use in biomedical implants to enhance biocompatibility and longevity.

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